© Lutz-Jesco GmbH 2020
Subject to technical changes.
Water sampling station
Operating instructions
you to change it immediately. If it is a 2-side control, two setpoints
must be entered. Both for the control direction “Raise” or “Lower”.
Changing these setpoints does not have an impact on the savable
reference sets. To do so, you must perform step 3.
5. Capacity:
You can activate or deactivate the flow. This enables you to
reduce the flow by between 0 % and 100 %. The value of the flow is
multiplied with the output Y. If the output is e.g. 80 % but the flow is
only 50 %, this produces an output capacity of: Control variable Y Y =
80 % ∙ 50 % = 40 %.
Setpoints set.
9.6.2 Loading reference sets
You can load a reference set.
Perform the following work steps:
Working in the main menu under “Setpoints”, navigate to the
“Reference set” tab.
Select the desired reference set.
Press "Load”.
The desired reference set is active immediately.
Reference set loaded.
9.6.3 Switching between setpoints
The reference sets set in the previous section can be switched manually
or automatically. You have two possibilities to activate automatic
Working in the “Setpoints” menu item, navigate to the “Switching”
tab. Set a checkmark against “Switch setpoints automatically”.
Working in the “Manual mode” menu, set a checkmark against
“Switch setpoints automatically”.
You can use a digital input (see section “Switching via digital
inputs” on page 37) and multiple internal timers (see section
“Switching via timer” on page 38) for automatic switching. The
switching has priority over a digital input. Switching via a timer only
occurs if no switching is active via a digital input. Switching via digital inputs
Before you can use a digital input for switching to a particular reference
set, you must configure the digital input in accordance with section “Digital inputs” on page 27.
Switching can be performed in three different forms: externally-controlled
switching; switching via an internal timer and the “ECO control” function,
which includes the limit value control.
Configure external switchover
In the case of external actuation, switching to the desired reference set is
performed as long as the digital input has been activated.
If the digital input is deactivated, the device switches back to the previous
reference set.
To configure, working in the “Setpoints” menu item, select the “Switch-
ing” tab.
Perform the following work steps:
Configure the switching and state the following information.
2. Automatically switching the reference sets:
Set a checkmark
3. Switch-over:
Select “Digital input”.
4. Function:
Select the point “External switching”.
5. Reference set:
Select the reference set to which is to be switched.
6. Digital input:
The digital input in use is indicated here.
Configuration of the external switching completed.
Switching via a timer
During switching via a timer, the desired reference set is active until the
set period has been completed. The previous reference set is re-activated
after the time has elapsed.
You can also start the timer manually, thereby e.g. triggering shock
To configure, working in the “Setpoints” menu item, select the “Switch-
ing” tab.
Perform the following work steps:
Configure the switching and state the following information.
2. Automatically switching the reference sets:
Set a checkmark
3. Switch-over:
Select “Digital input”.
4. Function:
Go to “Timer“.
5. Reference set:
Select the reference set to which is to be switched.
6. Digital input:
The digital input in use is indicated here.
7. Time:
Configure the timer to the desired duration.
8. “Off” or “Active”:
It will be displayed here whether the timer is
currently active. If this is the case, the display will show how long it is
still active.
9. “Start” and “Stop” button:
The timer can be started or stopped
manually, e. g. for a shock chlorination.
Configuration completed.
Configure switching via ECO control
A limit value control is defined for the "Economy mode”. The limit value
control is generally used to reduce the circulation capacity.
If the measured values are located within the setpoints, the output is
closed. If the digital input is also switched for switching to another
reference set, “Economy mode” is active and the switch will be made to
the desired reference set.
Pre-conditions for actions:
The limit value control is configured as described in section “Limit
value control” on page 29.
To configure, working in the “Setpoints” menu item, select the “Switch-
ing” tab.