point number 3 first, then 6, and finally 2. If you travel backward through the
route, the unit will start with waypoint number 2 first, then 6, and end with
waypoint number 3. No matter if you travel forward or reverse through the
route, when you reach the last waypoint in the route, the arrival alarm
sounds until you turn it off.
After you decide which direc-
tion to run the route, a new
menu appears as shown at
right. This is the auto-sequenc-
ing menu. With auto-sequenc-
ing turned on (the default), the
unit shows navigation data to
the first waypoint in the route
until you come within 0.10 mile
of the waypoint. This distance
is the sequencing radius. As
soon as this happens, the unit
sounds a tone, letting you know that you are within 0.10 mile of the
waypoint’s location. It then automatically switches to the next waypoint in
the route, showing navigation to the second waypoint location. This
process repeats until the route is completed. When you arrive at the last
waypoint in the route, a tone sounds continuously until you turn it off.
If you turn auto-sequencing off,
the unit won’t automatically
switch to the next waypoint af-
ter arriving at a waypoint. In-
stead, once you arrive at a
waypoint, you’ll need to press
the WAYPT/ROUTE key, then
press the key next to the “Ad-
vance Route to Next Waypoint”
label as shown on the screen
at right.
To change the sequencing radius, (distance from the waypoint that will
signal the sequence tone and change to the next waypoint in a route) press
the key next to the “Sequencing Radius” label. Now enter the desired
radius using the numbered keys. Press the ENT key when you’re finished
or the CLR key to exit without changing the radius.
The auto-sequencing menu can also be found by first pressing the