how strong the satellite’s signal is. The higher the SNR number, the better.
To exit this screen, press the MAP, NAV, STEER, or SONAR keys.
With both a Lowrance GPS module and a DGPS beacon receiver con-
nected to the GlobalMap 2000, then DGPS receiver status shows on the
status screen. Again, to view this screen, press the MENU key, the press
the key next to the “Status label. A screen similar to the one below appears.
The status of the DGPS re-
ceiver shows at the screen’s
top right side. If the mapping
unit is receiving good data from
the DGPS receiver, the word
“Operational” appears at the
top of this screen. Next are
shown the station identifica-
tion (ID), station frequency
(Freq), station data transmis-
sion rate (Rate), signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR), signal strength
(Sig), and age status (AGE).
At the very bottom of the screen are the DGPS statistics (DGPS). An “OK”
in this field means that the DGPS corrections for that satellite are good. A
blank in this field means that there is no corrections for that satellite.
To exit this screen, press the MAP, NAV, STEER, or SONAR keys.
This mapping unit has mapping, navigation, steering indicator, satellite
information and sonar screens. These displays were designed to show the
most important data. However, you can change all of them (except the
satellite information) to some extent through the “Customize Display”
feature on the second GPS menu screen. To change these screens, see
the “Customize” section in this manual.
Each of the following screens is available by pressing a key at the bottom
of the unit. A detailed description of each screen follows.