to the waypoint, the symbol will
show on the screen instead of
the box.
Navigate to a Waypoint
To show navigation data to a
waypoint location, first press
the WAYPT/ROUTE key, then
press the key next to the “Way-
points” label. The screen shown
below appears. Select the way-
point by pressing the up or down
arrow keys until the desired
waypoint is highlighted by the
black box. The waypoint’s po-
sition, distance from your
present position, and bearing
from your position to the way-
point show at the bottom of the
screen. Now simply press the
key next to the “Go To Waypt”
label. The GlobalMap 2000 re-
turns to the mapping screen. It
draws a “S” with a box around it
showing your position when you
recalled the waypoint. (See the
screen below.) A dotted line extends from this box to the recalled waypoint.
This line is the shortest path to the waypoint. If you steer the boat along this
line, you’ll travel directly to the recalled waypoint. Navigation data also
appears in all digital displays which show your course over ground (COG),
speed over ground (SOG), distance to waypoint (DTG) and much more.
Switch to the navigation or steering screens for more navigation informa-
Cancel Navigation
To stop the GlobalMap 2000
from showing navigation data
to a waypoint, first press the
WAYPT/ROUTE key, then
press the key next to the “Can-
cel Navigation” label. The unit
returns to the last-used map,
navigation, or steering screen.