The unit usually only takes a few minutes or less to find the satellites once
it’s been initialized by the user.
To initialize the GPS module,
first press the MENU key. Now
press the key next to the “GPS
/ DGPS Setup” label. The screen
at right appears. Finally, press
the key next to the “Initial Time
and Position” label. The screen
shown below appears.
This is the GPS module initial-
ization screen. The settings now
in use are shown at the top of
the display. The first number in
the latitude display should be
flashing. If you’re using the unit
for the first time, these settings
are probably wrong for your po-
sition and time. To change any
of the numbers on this display,
simply press the arrow keys to
move to the desired number
that you wish to change. For
example, to change the latitude
to 41°18.023', first press the 4
key while the “3” in the latitude is
flashing. This changes the “3” to
a “4”. It also moves one digit to
the right, making the number “5” start flashing. Now press the 1 key.
Continue until all of the numbers in the latitude have changed. If you need
to change the latitude from north to south, press the key next to the “Toggle
N/S latitude” label in the middle of the screen. When you’re finished with
the latitude, press the down arrow key once. This moves you to the
longitude field. An asterisk (*) flashes in front of the “8” in the longitude. If
your longitude is less than 100 degrees, simply press the right arrow key
to move to the “9”, then enter your present longitude the same way you
entered the latitude. If your longitude is over 100 degrees, simply enter your
present longitude. The label at the middle of the screen now shows “ Toggle
E/W Longitude”. Press the key next to this label to change the longitude
from west to east, if necessary.