CHaPTer 6: Troubleshooting
6.7 TrOUBLeSHOOTiNG - HearT raTe iSSUeS
HearT raTe iSSUeS
a. The display is stuck on heart rate.
b. Erratic heart rate.
c. No heart rate.
a. If the display is stuck on heart rate, it is normally due to the lighting in the workout area.
- Change the lighting in the area of the treadmill.
- Move the treadmill to a different area.
b. Something is interfering with the heart rate signal.
- Verify the proper use of the heart rate grips / chest strap.
- Verify that nothing is touching the heart rate grips (for example the safety key strap or headphone wiring).
- There are some things that will interfere with heart rate signal including: florescent lighting, electric dog fences, large electric motors, cell
phone towers, and airports.
c. The console is not receiving a heart rate signal.
- Verify the proper use of the heart rate grips / chest strap.
- Check the connection of the heart rate grip wiring at the heart rate board, there should be two 2 pin connectors (Figure A).
- Remove the screws holding the 2 halves of the heart rate grip together and check the connection of the heart rate grip wiring to the grips
(Figure B).
- If all wiring connections are good, replace the heart rate grips and / or the heart rate board.
- If the heart rate grips and / or heart rate board do not resolve the issue, replace the console.
FiGUre B
FiGUre a