1. Snap in plastic adaptor into top of unit where flexible metal hose was in place.
2. Cut a piece of 1/4 inch tubing and connect it to plastic adaptor on top of unit,
then insert other end of tubing into the alkaline tubing connection on faucet.
3. Connect a piece of 1/4 inch tubing from “outlet” on bottom of ionizer, to the
acid connection on faucet.
4. Plug in electrical extension wire into faucet connection and plug in the other
end into the back of the ionizer.
5. Press power button on top of faucet to turn on ionizer.
Conversion from 9100 to 9200
Power button
1. Inlet Valve
2. Outlet Valve
3. Power Plug
4. Fuse Box
5. On/Off Power Switch