Programming Manual for Digital Key Telephone System
300 & LDK-100
System Features
1. If the wake-up alarm is registered at a station,
' ' is displayed in front of the present time on
the LCD.
2. If the VMIB is installed, voice message for
the wake-up time is heard 3 times and MOH
is heard
3. If the wake-up ring is not answered for 3
times, it is canceled.
4. If system attendant dials to wake-up fail
station to erase wake-up fail ring, the fail ring
will disappear with confirmation tone. But
when the Wake-up Fail Ring timer expires,
confirmation tone will not be provided and
just the fail ring will disappear.
5. If [Wake-up Fail Ring Timer]
, wake-up fail
ring will not disappear automatically.
6. If [Wake-up Fail Ring Timer] is
, the fail ring
is not given to attendant station.
7. If [Wake-up Fail Ring Timer]
, after
Wake-up Fail Ring Timer expires, the wake-
up fail ring will disappear automatically.