Pre-commissioning and Maintenance
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Plan the Central Control Addresses Assignments
Check with the building’s Chief Engineer and gather any preferences he may have. If there are no preferences:
• Hex assignments do not have to be assigned in any particular order, or an order defined by the routing of the communications cable
between the indoor units. In most cases, Hex addresses can be skipped.
• All members of a Hex Group are not required to be on the same Multi V system.
• Addresses can be assigned at random, not in any particular order, and can be skipped.
On AC EZ, do not skip addresses. Start with Hex address 0. Buttons have pre-assigned Hex addresses. If an address is skipped, the associated
button will do nothing.
Group Control / Central Control
Terminating Group Controlled Indoor Units
If any of the indoor units were specified to operate in unison, create a group control communications circuit between the indoor units using a
group control cable kit consisting of three (3) cables:
• One pigtail cable.
• One Y-cable.
• One extension cable segment.
1. Before proceeding with group control cable terminations, verify power is off at all indoor units effected.
2. Identify which indoor unit will be the “Master” unit of the group. If not already recorded, record the "Master" and the "Slave" identity
assignment to each indoor unit in the group on the Pre-commissioning Device Configuration Worksheet.
3. Termination Procedure:
• Starting with the Master unit, plug in the male end of the pigtail cable into the CN-REMO socket. At the last Slave indoor unit in the
group, a pigtail cable is not required. Plug the male end of the extension cable coming from the previous indoor unit into the CN-REMO
• Plug the Y-cable into the pigtail at each indoor unit except for the last Slave indoor unit in the group where no Y-cable cable will be
• Connect two extension cable segments to each “Y” cable except for the “Y” cable connected to the Master indoor unit. At the Master
indoor unit, connect one extension cable and the communications cable from the zone controller to the Y-cable.
Indoor Unit Central Control Address Assignments
A central control address is made up of two hexadecimal characters.
• The first character in the central control address is the Hex Group Identifier.
Possible Hex Group Identifiers (in order of lowest to highest) are 0-9 followed by A-F.
• The second character in the address is the Hex Member Identifier in a Hex Group.
Hex Member Identifiers (in order from lowest to highest) are 0-9 followed by A-F.
Figure 67: Central Control Address Nomenclature.
First character is
the Hex Group
Identifier 0-F
(Example: Group 1)
Second character
is the Hex Member
Identifier 0-F
(Example: Unit 14)
Hex Address Assignment Limitations
• There is a limit of 16 Members per Hex Group
• There is a limit of 16 Hex Groups per VRF system.
• There is a limit of 256 possible Member Identifiers per Central Control
(See Central Controller Communications Limitations on the next page).