job prints from the wrong
job prints on the wrong
paper frequently jams 137
print jobs do not print 111
slow printing 112
troubleshooting, print quality
blank or white pages 89
crooked print 101
dark print 90
fine lines are not printed
correctly 92
folded or wrinkled paper 93
gray background on prints 94
horizontal light bands 104
light print 96
mottled print and dots 98
paper curl 99
repeating defects 110
skewed print 101
solid black pages 102
text or images cut off 103
toner easily rubs off 104
vertical dark bands 107
vertical dark lines or
vertical dark streaks with print
missing 109
vertical light bands 105
vertical white lines 106
Universal paper
configuring the settings 19
unlinking trays 22
updating firmware 24
USB printer port 18
using genuine Lexmark parts and
supplies 69
using the control panel 10
vertical dark bands 107
vertical dark lines on prints 108
vertical dark streaks 109
vertical light bands 105
vertical streaks on prints 108
vertical white lines 106
volatile memory 31
erasing 30
statement of 31
white lines 106
white pages 89
Wi-Fi Direct
configuring 27
wireless network
connecting the printer to 25
wireless networking 25
Fi Direct
enabling 28
printing from a mobile
device 33
Fi network
Fi Protected Setup
wireless network 26