Oscilloscope settings
SW-HB 13.0002-EN EN 3.0
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The oscilloscope has two channels. In the CH1 and CH2 tab, you can select the following
channel settings:
Measured value to be displayed. Click the selection box of the corresponding
channel and select the physical value or the event to be graphically represented.
Channel colour. Click the colour button. A colour selection dialog will appear.
Y-scaling. Use the slide switch next to ”Scaling” to select the enlargement in vertical
Offset / Y-position. Use the slide switch next to ”Offset” to shift the vertical position
of the curve. A click on the 0 button resets the offset to 0.
Click ”Clear” to delete the representation of the channels.
If ”Freely selectable communication object”has beenselected as value to be displayed, you
can display any communication object on the oscilloscope. For this, the following
information is required:
The object number of the communication object
The information, if the object returns a signed value - please check ”signed”.
The physical unit of the object.
A mask. The mask is used to mask individual bits of a communication object and
display them. Select FFFFFFFF (hex) for analog values. The mask is mainly used to
display individual bits of a status word.
The representation of freely selectable communication objects is only
necessary in special cases.
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The Time base tab is used to select the time resolution and the recording delay:
Use the Time slide switch to select the time resolution. 10 msec/div means that a
block width in the oscilloscope display correspond to 10 milliseconds.
Use the Delay slide switch to determine the position of the trigger event on the
oscilloscope screen. 0 means that the trigger event will be recorded at the left
margin of the oscilloscope screen. A negative delay value means that the events
before the trigger condition will also be recorded (”pretrigger”).
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