mc²36 MKII Installation & Service Guide
Version: 1.0/1
3. The Hardware
Control Surface Wiring
Internally, the control surface uses point-to-point connections, within each bay, to provide fault tolerance and
convenient servicing. Any bay or panel can be isolated from the rest of the console, allowing panels and
displays to be replaced during operation.
Firstly, within each bay, individual panels and displays connect to an Ethernet server mounted inside the frame:
either a Bayserver (in channel bays) or Gateserver (in the centre section). The connections are made using
both USB and Display Port. In the centre section, there is also a USB hub which connects to the console
keyboard and trackpad.
Each Bayserver connects to an Ethernet switch to form what is known as the internal network or ETHERNET A.
The Gateserver acts as a bridge between the internal and external networks. It handles all of the control data for
the complete surface, and connects to the mc
control system in the A__UHD Core. In the
, this
connection is wired internally.