Standard Printing and Scanning
When a discussion of the benefits that Digital
technology affords with Imaging Devices, the
single most important benefit has been the abil-
ity to incorporate printing with the traditional
“office copier”. This feature provided customers
with a single footprint output device, often
reducing expenses and simplifying device man-
agement, and improving productivity in the
workplace. As Digital Technology evolved in our
industry, the addition of Network Scanning has
become a required feature and function that
customers are interested in.
The new CS-5050, CS-4050 and CS-3050 offer
standard Network Printing and Scanning in
addition to traditional copy functionality. These
additional standard functions offer customers a
clear choice from a manufacturer that has
always been at the forefront of technology. Very
few customers are looking for a “:copier only”
device, with the market shifting to the connect-
ed product in every business environment and
vertical market. Standard Network Printing,
Scanning and Copying on the
CS-5050, CS-4050 and CS-3050 provides a
competitive advantage, addresses market
requirements, and most importantly, gives cus-
tomers the best that technology has to offer.
Single Board Architecture
The new CS-5050, CS-4050 and CS-3050 also
mark a new direction for Copystar
Multifunctional Products with the introduction of
a new single board controller for Print and
Scan. With previous products, two separate IP
(Internet Protocol) addresses were required for
Network Printing and Scanning, theoretically
complicating management for IT in larger
accounts, and requiring Dealers to provide
additional equipment, such as hubs for cus-
tomers, in both large and small installs.
The new CS-5050, CS-4050 and CS-3050 pro-
vide a new Single Board Architecture on the
controller, so a single IP is required for Printing
and Scanning, as well as Network and Internet
Faxing when the optional Fax System (M) has
been installed.
Color Scanning
In addition to Standard Network Scan function-
ality, the new CS-5050, CS-4050 and CS-3050
incorporate Color and Monochrome Scan capa-
bilities. This is a significant improvement over
the previous models, and provides a strong
competitive advantage in the market today.
True Color Scanning with a Monochrome MFP
gives customers looking for an integrated scan-
ning solution a cost-effective alternative for
Document Input and Output.
Color scanning is also an incredible value-add
for customers interested in the KYOcapture
Document Capture Workflow Solution that can
be integrated with the new CS-5050, CS-4050
and CS-3050. Documents can be captured,
processed and routed as color images, so
absolute document integrity can be maintained.
Expanded/Shared Memory Resources
The new CS-5050, CS-4050 and CS-3050 take
advantage of shared memory resources for
Print, Send and Copy. Standard RAM (Random
Access Memory) is set at 512MB, upgradeable
to an incredible 1GB. These new Workgroup
MFPs also feature a standard 40GB HDD for
Document Printing and Kyocera’s new
Document Box. Previous models offered two
individual 20GB HDD options, raising overall
costs to the customer.
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Содержание CS-3035 Copystar
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