Kyland Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd PTS-DR200 Time Server
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default value is made by this ICD file.
Set GCB reference of GOOSE message.
It is a string defined by GOOSE standard.
Default value is PTSTTR/LLN0$GO$gocb1.
Provide IEC61850 ICD file, the current
default value is made by this ICD file.
GOOSE Dataset
Set GCB dataset of GOOSE message.
It is a string defined by GOOSE standard.
Default value is PTSTTR/LLN0$dsGOOSE1.
Provide IEC61850 ICD file, the current
default value is made by this ICD file.
Trigger Mode
Set trigger mode to send GOOSE message.
PPS: Use PPS to trigger GOOSE message;
PPM: Use PPM to trigger GOOSE message;
PPH: Use PPH to trigger GOOSE message.
Trigger Period
Set period to send out GOOSE message.
Range is between 0 and 255.
Default value is 0.
The 0 means no data change and the non-
zero means system will send a new GOOSE
when the current time at PPS, PPM or PPH can
be divisible by trigger period.
If trigger mode is PPS, the trigger period
unit is second. When the whole seconds of the
current time is divisible by trigger period, the
new GOOSE will generate.
If trigger mode is PPM, the trigger period
unit is minute. When the whole seconds of the
current time is divisible by trigger period
multiplied by 60, the new GOOSE will generate.
If trigger mode is PPH, the trigger period
unit is hour. When the whole seconds of the
current time is divisible by trigger period
multiplied by 3600, the new GOOSE will
vLan Priority
Set vLan priority of GOOSE message.