IC-Module for EtherNet/IP
137 / 137
32-bit module 1000 data type in the input register
-t 3:mod
32-bit float data type in the input register table
-t 3:float
16-bit output register (holding) with default value
-t 4
16-bit output register (holding) with hexadecimal
-t 4:hex
32-bit integer data type in the output register (hold-
ing) table
-t 4:int
32-bit module 1000 data type in the output register
(holding) table
-t 4:mod
32-bit float data type in the output register table
-t 4:float
Slave works onBig-Endian 32-Bit integers
Slave works onBig-Endian 32-Bit floats
Only poll once (instead of every second)
Use Daniel/Enron single register 32-bit mode
First reference is 0 instead of 1 (PDU addressing)
Options for Modbus TCP
TCP Port number (default value: 502)
-p #
Options for ASCII and Modbus RTU
Baudrate (9600, 19200,... Default value: 9600)
-b #
Databits (7 or 8 for ASCII, 8 for RTU)
-d #
Stop bits (1 or 2, default value:1)
-s #
Parity: None
-p none
Parity: Even
-p even
Parity: Odd
-p odd
RS-485 Mode
-4 #
Timeout in seconds (0.01-10.0 default value: 0)
-o #