IC-Module for EtherNet/IP
58 / 137
0x0002-0x0003 Current
module status
In these memory registers you will find information for the current
module status.
Bit 5 indicates whether there is an error in the configuration of the
SSC Master mode. It is only set, however, during the initialisation of
the module. If an error occurs during ongoing operation, this is not
displayed here.
Memory Register 0x0002 (bit 0-15) contains the Low Word, Memory
Register 0x0003 (bit 16-31) contains the High Word.
Modbus Register
Value Range
Initial value
Number of available
Permanently stored
Read Only
Bit 0
Fieldbus Run State
1: The field bus is in cyclical data exchange
0: The cyclical data connection is interrupted
Bit 1
SSC SSR Master Run State
1: The synchronous serial interface is in
SSC mode and is exchanging data cyclically
0: No cyclical data exchange takes place
Bit 2
SSC Mapping Configuration Error State
1: Configuration error in the mapping of the SSC
0: Configuration is ok
Bit 3
SDI Mapping Configuration Error
1: Configuration error in the mapping for the SDI
0: Configuration is ok
Bit 4
Fieldbus Communication Mapping
Configuration Error
1: Configuration Error in the Mapping for the Field-
bus Interface
0: Configuration is ok
Bit 5
SSC SSR Master Configuration Error State
1: General Configuration Error in the SSC SSR
Master Mode
0: Configuration is ok
Bit 6
SDI Configuration Error
1: General Configuration Error of the SDI Interface
0: Configuration is ok
Memory Register