IC-Module for EtherNet/IP
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9 Integrated Server
9.1 FTP Server
The FTP server is necessary for updating HTML files of the web
server and for transmitting firmware updates to the module.
You can access the FTP server from User Level 2. For this purpose,
the same logon data as for the web server is valid. The "Level" is
defined in the "password.xml" file. You can learn how to do this in the
section "Logging onto the web server". [
Web Server Files
You will find files for the web server in the "Web" subfolder.
9.2 Web Server
The KUNBUS-IC has a web server. You can use this from any
Accessing web server
◦ Connect the KUNBUS-IC to the PC.
◦ Open your browser.
◦ Enter the IP address as URI(e.g.:
You can now log on.
Logging onto the web server
You can log onto the web server as administrator or user.
The user can:
– Read process data of the KUNBUS-IC.
Logon data (default setting):
Username: User
Password: 1111
The Administrator can:
– Change passwords
– Change network settings
Logon data (default setting):
Username: Admin
Password: 1701
Create users
In order to check and manage logon data, you first have to create a
file with the name "password.xml" in the main directory of the
Define the following 3 XML elements for each user in this file:
– <UserX>,
Integrated Server