IC-Module for EtherNet/IP
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Example of a Mapping
The following example explains, step-by-step, how to map the first
three SDI input registers and the first five SSC input registers to the
field output register.
If you would like to participate in this example, you will need a
functional CDI connection. Section "Setting up a Serial Connection
95]" explains how this works.
Input options in the CDI menu:
You can enter hexadecimal (with prefixed 0x or with attached letter h)
or decimal numbers in the CDI menu.
Go back one level
Confirm input/selection
Value is displayed in binary code
Value is displayed in hexadecimal
Value is displayed in decimal
◦ Open the main menu of the CDI as described in the Appendix "Setting
up a serial connection using PuTTY".
Main Menu
The main menu is your access point for operating the module using
the CDI. After a reset, the module transmits this main menu to the
◦ Enter the number of the desired menu.
◦ Press the return key.
The selected menu opens.
– Main Menu
1 – Module Information
2 – Interface Configuration
3 - Monitor Communication
4 – Module Status
9 – Close Shell