IC-Module for EtherNet/IP
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4.7 SPI - Synchronous serial interface
A synchronous serial interface is available to you on the application
interface. The synchronous serial interface can be used in 2
operating modes, as SSC Master or SSC Slave. You can select the
operating mode in the CDI menu or in the memory registers:
– CDI Menu 2.3 [
– Memory Register 0x0017 [
Further information can be found in the CDI menu/Modbus register.
Select the operating mode you require via the logical level on pin a6:
– 0 (GND) = SPI Slave for connecting to an SPI Master
– 1 (3.3 V) = SSC Master for connecting to a shift register chain
The following pins are available for operating as an SPI Slave for
connecting to an SPI Master:
SPI Clock (input)
SPI Data in (MOSI, input)
SPI Data out (MISO, output)
SPI Chip Select (CS, input)
SPI ready (output)
The following pins are available for operating as an SSC Master for
connecting to a shift register chain:
SSC Clock (output)
SSC Data out (MOSI, output)
SSC centre tap (MID, input)
SSC Data in (MISO, input)
SSC Strobe Signal (LOAD, output)
SSC Reset (output)
The SPI Slave operating mode also allows an SPI Master write and
read access to all other Memory registers that are enabled for this. In
the SSC-Master operating mode, the KUNBUS-IC is the master on
the SPI bus and communicates with shift register modules. It is
possible to let the KUNBUS-IC detect the connected shift registers or
to configure the number of shift registers.
Output data from the Data Broker is written to the SSC output
register area and input data is read from the SSC input register area
in both operating modes.