Driving and Transport
Pos : 20.6 /BA/F ahren und Tr ans port/Vors ätz e/Str aßenfahrt M aisgebis Bil d @ 16\mod_1233149052148_78.doc @ 179911
Fig. 49:
Pos : 20.7 /BA/F ahren und Tr ans port/Vors ätz e/Vorbereitung Str aßenfahrt Eas yColl ect 6000 F P @ 17\mod_1235718817495_78.doc @ 200558
During transportation / road travel the maize header must be raised.
To do this:
Swing up maize header all the way with the forage harvester hydraulics until the ratchet
mechanisms engage (see chapter on Operation “Swinging up the maize header”).
Switch off the engine and remove the ignition key.
Push the parking supports on right/left into the transport position (see chapter on
Operation “Parking supports on right/left in transport position”).
Attach guards on right/left and front guards (see chapter on Operation “Installing guard on
right/left” and “Installing the front guard”).
Connect lighting (see chapter on Operation “Connecting indicators and position lights on
Pos : 21 /BA/-----Sei tenumbruch------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165