Driving and Transport
Pos : 20.1 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 1/F-J/F ahr en und Trans port @ 0\mod_1196330049217_78.doc @ 6553
Driving and Transport
Pos : 20.2 /BA/Sicher heit/Fahren und Transport/Mitfahr en/Gefahr Str aßenfahrt, Mitfahren Eas yC ollect 6000_7500_9000 @ 15\mod_1232706617929_78.doc @ 176023
Road travel, carrying passengers, driving conduct
Effect: Danger to life, injuries or damage to the machine.
It is forbidden to carry passengers on the machine.
The protective equipment must be attached for transportation on public
When driving on roads, observe the conditions / requirements of the
Road Traffic Type Approval Law (StVZO) and the Road Traffic Law
The driving speed of the forage harvester must to be adapted to local
Pos : 20.3 /BA/Sicher heit/Fahren und Transport/Mitfahr en/Zus atz Eas yC ollect 6000 F P @ 16\mod_1233151017820_78.doc @ 179975
On public highways, the EASYCOLLECT 6000 FP maize header must
always be in transport position. The transport height must also be set
so that the max. permissible height of 4 m is not exceeded.
Pos : 20.4 /BA/F ahren und Tr ans port/Vors ätz e/Hi nweis Betri ebs erlaubnis @ 15\mod_1232707192070_78.doc @ 176118
Operating licence
In the case of self-propelled work machines the harvesting attachments must
be included in the operating licence for the work machine (if necessary
extend the operating licence). Observe the conditions in the operating
Pos : 20.5 /BA/-----Seitenumbruch------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165