Start-up - New Holland
Pos : 18.23 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/Vor bereitung Bel euchtung Fremdfabrikat @ 18\mod_1236932905956_78.doc @ 207456
Preparations for lighting (Germany only)
The headlights mounted as standard equipment (for dipped beam and full beam) are covered in
road position by the side parts of the maize header. Therefore the headlights (for dipped beam
and full beam) must be mounted on the cab roof with the forage harvester manufacturer's kit.
Pos : 18.24 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/Vor bereitung F ahrschei nwerfer am Fronts chutz demonti eren Fr emdfabri kat @ 18\mod_1236933830738_78.doc @ 207480
Removing the driving headlights on the front guard
The driving headlights on the front guard must be removed. This will eliminate the need for the
switch box included with delivery.
The clearance lamps and direction indicators remain on the front guard.
Pos : 18.25 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/U-Z/Vorbereitung am Eas yColl ect @ 18\mod_1236939199660_78.doc @ 207583
Preparations on the EasyCollect
Pos : 18.26 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/F ahrschei nwerfer akti vi eren @ 18\mod_1236938483878_78.doc @ 207531
Activating the driving headlights on the front guard (not for Germany)
To use the driving headlights on the front guard, the switch box included with delivery must be
installed according to the enclosed circuit diagram "EasyCollect Light Switching Distributor" (see
separate document 150 100 123).
Pos : 18.27 /BA/-----Seitenumbruc h------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165