Before the Start of the New Season
Pos : 29.4 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 1/U-Z/Vor Beginn der neuen Sais on @ 4\mod_1211272647559_78.doc @ 82867
Before the Start of the New Season
Pos : 29.5 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 2/P-T/Spezi elle Sic her heitshi nweis e @ 0\mod_1196660495760_78.doc @ 9134
Special Safety Instructions
Pos : 29.6 /BA/Sicher heit/Gefahr enhinweis e/Vors ätz e/Gefahr Wartung allgemei n Vors ätz e/F eldhäc ksler @ 13\mod_1225453555895_78.doc @ 156385
When performing repair, maintenance or cleaning work or when making
technical modifications to the machine, drive elements may start moving
(caution: cutting discs continue to run).
Effect: Danger to life, injuries or damage to the machine.
Move the machine to the working position and lower it to the ground
Switch off the forage harvester engine and remove the ignition key.
Secure the forage harvester against accidental start-up and against
rolling away.
Switch off the PTO and disengage it.
After the repair, maintenance, cleaning work or technical modifications
are completed, mount all protective covers and protective devices
properly again.
Avoid skin contact with oils, greases, cleaning agents and solvents.
In the event of injuries or burns due to oils, cleaning agents or solvents,
contact a doctor immediately.
All other safety instructions must also be followed to avoid injuries and
Pos : 29.7 /BA/Sicher heit/Vorsätz e/Reparatur-,War tungs- und R einigungsar beiten Erweiterung @ 12\mod_1224846225151_78.doc @ 153983
When performing repair, maintenance or cleaning work or when making
technical modifications to the machine, drive elements may start moving
(caution: cutting discs continue to run).
Effect: Danger to life or serious injuries
Switch off the drive and disengage PTO.
Switch off the forage harvester engine and remove the ignition key.
Secure the forage harvester against accidental start-up and against
rolling away.
When working under or with the raised machine, always secure it with
suitable supporting elements.
Close shut-off valve on lifting cylinder of forage harvester!
After all repair, maintenance and cleaning tasks are complete, all
protective covers and protective devices must be put in place again.
Pos : 29.8 /BA/-----Seitenumbruch------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165