Start-up – John Deere
Pos : 16.36 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/J ohnD eere/H ydr auli k/Beleuc htung ans chli eßen Bild JohnDeere @ 16\mod_1233242864016_78.doc @ 181418
Fig. 30:
Pos : 16.37 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/H ydr auli k/Beleuchtung ans chli eßen T ext Claas/JohnD eere/N ewH olland @ 16\mod_1233242722735_78.doc @ 181395
A double-action hydraulic connection is required to operate the maize header.
Connect the hydraulic hoses (1) to the plug-in connections provided for this purpose on
the forage harvester.
Connect the lighting cable (2) to the socket.
Pos : 16.38 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/X-Disc 6200/Ankuppeln/Hinweis BA Fel dhäc hsl er beachten @ 15\mod_1232705243570_78.doc @ 175980
Other adjustments for operating the maize header are described in the
"Forage Harvester" operating instructions
Pos : 16.39 /BA/-----Seitenumbruc h------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165