Before the Start of the New Season
Pos : 29.9 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 2/P-T/Probel auf @ 0\mod_1196782963921_78.doc @ 14908
12.2 Test run.
Pos : 29.10 /BA/Sic herheit/Gefahrenhinweise/Mähwer ke/Probelauf Einzahl mit Begriff Maschi ne @ 13\mod_1225454023333_78.doc @ 156407
Testing the machine after repair, maintenance or cleaning work and after
technical intervention.
Effect: Danger to life or serious injuries
The machine must be in working position
Do not switch on the drives until the machine is resting on the ground
and you are absolutely sure that neither persons, animals nor objects
are in the danger zone.
Start a trial run of the machine from the driver’s seat only.
Pos : 29.11 /BA/Ei nlag erung/Eas yC ut/Vor der Sais aon ohne Bereifung @ 3\mod_1204731533226_78.doc @ 72767
Lubricate the machine thoroughly. Remove any condensation water which may have
collected in the bearings.
Check oil level in the gearbox(es) and top up if necessary.
Check all screws to make certain they are tight or retighten them if necessary.
Check all electrical connection cables and the lighting. Repair or replace if necessary.
Check the entire setting of the machine and correct if necessary.
Re-read the operating instructions thoroughly.
Use vegetable oils and greases.
===== Ende der Stüc kliste =====