Pos : 27.75 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 2/F-J/H ydr auli ks chl auc hl eitung (en) @ 15\mod_1233065691665_78.doc @ 177876
10.18 Hydraulic hose line(s)
Pos : 27.76 /BA/Sic herheit/H ydrauli k/H ydr auli ksc hlauc hlei tungen unterlieg en ei ner Alterung @ 2\mod_1202746238361_78.doc @ 61083
Hydraulic hose lines are subject to ageing
The characteristics of the lines change depending on pressure, heat load and
the effect of UV rays.
The date of manufacture appears on the hydraulic hoses. This way the age
can be ascertained quickly.
By law the hydraulic lines must be replaced after six years.
Use original spare parts when replacing hydraulic hoses!
Pos : 27.77 /BA/Wartung/Vorsätz e/H ydrauli ksc hlauc hleitung en Bil d Al ter ung @ 15\mod_1233065775071_78.doc @ 177902
Fig. 96:
Pos : 27.78 /BA/Wartung/H ydraulikschl auchl eitungen Zus atz Alter ung @ 15\mod_1233131491413_78.doc @ 178131
Check the hydraulic hose lines at regular intervals and replace them if damaged or worn!
The new hoses must fulfill the technical requirements set by the manufacturer of the
Pos : 27.79 /BA/-----Seitenumbruc h------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165