Temperature probe inputs
Temperature probe inputs can be used to measure temperature from connected temperature
A configurable offset can be added to the measured value in order to compensate for the effect
of local heat sources or air drafts that might be close to the probe location.
Temperature values are made available through an associated communication object. Values
can be sent to the bus periodically, and/or when a certain change between the current value
and the last value sent to the bus is detected. If the temperature cannot be read (for example,
if the probe is broken, or if it is physically disconnected from the input) an error condition is
signalled through a separate error object.
alarm function
can be enabled for each temperature probe input. The alarm function can be
configured to detect high temperatures, low temperatures, or both high and low temperatures.
When the temperature value exceeds the configured limits, an alarm condition is signalled
through a specific “alarm” communication object.
Scene controller
Internal vs. External scenes
Many of the functions in Iddero Verso (such as touch gestures, or components used in the
visualisation) can be configured to trigger so called “external” scenes. External scenes are
managed by external KNX devices, which are in charge of storing the scene values, and recalling
them when the scene is triggered. In this case, Iddero Verso simply sends a KNX telegram
indicating the scene to be recalled or stored.
In addition to this, Iddero Verso features an internal scene controller. “Internal” scenes are
managed internally, and can be recalled or stored in response to internal actions, and also if
requested by external KNX devices.
Scene actuators
Up to 8 scene actuators can be enabled. Each actuator is associated with a communication
object, and can be configured to respond to up to 8 different scenes (which need not be the
same for all actuators).
Scene controller