RGBW Controls are specialized components that can be used to control both RGB and RGBW
(RGB + White) LED dimmer actuators.
RGB object type
parameter sets whether the RGBW control should use three separate 1-byte
R, G, B communication objects (one per channel), or one combined 3-byte RGB object.
Use white channel
parameter selects whether a white channel should also be controlled,
in addition to the Red, Green, and Blue channels. If a white channel is enabled, then the
object type
parameter is forced to “One combined RGB object”, and an additional 1-byte object
is used for white channel control.
The RGBW Control shows two button; an action button (left) and the color selection button
The function of the action button is configured through the
Left button function
Either switch all channels off (sets all channels to 0%), or toggle between switching all channels
off and recalling the previously selected color.
The color selection button shows the current color. Pressing this button brings up an interactive
color selection window. This allows selecting different colors and sending them to the bus. The
user can also save their “favorite” colors for later use. For each RGBW Control, up to ten favorite
colors can be saved.
Control Pages