BlueShadow Detector 50D Instructions V7659
3. Product information
3.1 Features
The detector is a measuring system for fast and precise measurement in
the UV range and, with a halogen lamp (optional), also in the visible ran-
ge . The measurement principle is based on the attenuation of a monoch-
romatic light beam passing through liquid .
The self-calibration of the detector guarantees operation without external
settings . Type and combination of the installed lamps as well as the trans-
mission of the corresponding installed flow cell are analyzed and used for
the automatic setting of the integration time, in order to achieve a high
level of sensitivity .
Signal linearity and wavelength accuracy are verified by independent
measurements as part of a self-calibration .
The use of light sources for a specific spectral range is possible
(UV: Deu terium lamp, VIS: Halogen lamp) . A tandem operation with
both light sources is also possible, allowing a wavelength range of
190–900 nm (UV/VIS) and a wavelength range of 190-750 nm (UV) to
be covered without changing the lamp .
Within a system, it is possible to measure four wavelengths simultane-
ously with the help of the software control .
Recording of a spectrum of 100 nm width in less than 100 ms .
The beam guidance is designed so that no chromatic aberration
occurs and thus the best possible useful signal is available, indepen-
dent of the selected wavelength .
Automatic recording and storage of the device-specific characteristics
that are important for GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) and OQ (Opera-
tion Qualification) or for the device service and device history . These
are operating times, operating parameters, wavelength accuracy and
refer ence spectra .
Self-running and up-to-date device status diagnostics .
Control with HPLC software possible .
Easy integration of the detector into complex chromatography
systems .
Extremely low noise level and baseline drift .
High data rates for fast chromatography .
Flexible options for use in the entire field of LC applications due to
a comprehensive range of flow cells for the detectors, from nano
HPLC cells with flow rates ≈ 100 nl/min to preparative flow cells with
10 l/min .