Using the sun protection function
This function is used to prevent the windows from opening while a shade is still open.
There is also an option to issue a CLOSE command to the shade via a potential free contact.
1. Simple option: using the wind and rain detector WRM inlet
If it is only intended that opening be prevented the WRM inlet can be used. Since this always takes precedence over all
other control commands, then, if one of the WRM contacts (Terminals 21 and 22) is closed, no opening will take place.
2. Superior LED inlet – potential free contact
2.1 Using the superior LED inlet
This option uses the superior LED inlet to block the OPEN commands.
This option allows serial connection of several iVent 8A ventilation control panels, but only to a limited extent. If this inlet
is used it should be noted that a potential (voltage carrying) inlet is involved, since in normal operation 24 V is
connected via the superior iVent 8A. For this option a further external circuit must therefore be installed.
Firstly, the iVent 8A GND (e.g. Sensor 2, Terminal 20) must be connected to the superior GND (Terminal 08). A contact
from the shade can then be connected between the iVent 8A +24 V (e.g. from Sensor 2, Terminal 19) and superior LED
(Terminal 07).
A closing contact should be used here for the command shade CLOSED (the window may be opened) so as to prevent
opening in the event of a cable breaking or similar failures.
2.2 Output potential free contact
The potential free contact (Terminal 27 and 28) can optionally be used to forward a CLOSE command to the shade.
This contact can be configured either so that it is closed to give the CLOSE command, or so that it is open to give the
CLOSE command. The second option is to be preferred, since this means that, if a cable breaks (or there is power
failure to the iVent 8A), the shade closes.
A further option is to use the contact (Terminal 27 and 28) to forward the signal "window closed"
i.e. the contact will only be closed at the end of the closed activation time.
Ventilation control panel iVent 8A