it will start the measurement in every 4 ms and display the mean value of the moving
average deviations of 64 times.
The "INIT:SEQ3/INIT:NAME ACQ" command is a command that invalidates the current
measurement data stored in the present measurement data cache and it begins a new
measurement. The new measurement data will be established after 4 ms.
The "SENSe:AVERage:CLEar" command clears the measurement data stored in the cache
and it does not return the query of "FETC" command until the moving average of 64 times is
established. This "SENSe:AVERage:CLEar" command is a command that clears all the
measurement data of the mean value of the moving average deviations of 64 times as when
the setting of the voltage or the current value changes frequently or to change rapidly to be
monitored. Therefore, after transmitting the command, new moving average of another
deviations of 64 times will be generated after 256 ms.
Auto continue
To keep the trigger subsystem initiated for multiple actions without having to send an
initiate command for each trigger, use the CONTinuous option. This enables measurement
data to be automatically refreshed as if the PAT-T is operating in local mode.
INITiate:CONTinuous:SEQuence3 ON
If the auto continue mode is on, measurement data and the front panel displays are
automatically refreshed by the internal trigger loop. In this state, MEASure/READ/FECh
query commands work equivalently. New measurements are automatically repeated. This
means that sending multiple FETCh queries results in different measurement results, and
simultaneity is lost. When the continuous operation is enabled, the ABORt command is
ignored because the trigger subsystem automatically exits the IDLE state even if it is
The *RST command sets CONTinuous to OFF.
Waiting for operation complete
The *OPC common command has a capability to wait for an operation to complete. In case
the output on/off delay function is in used, the command will take the delay time (up to 10
s) which is set by this function.
When the *OPC command is sent, the PAT-T goes to Operation Complete Command Active
State (OCAS). When the measurement is completed and there is no other operation
pending, the PAT-T returns to Operation Complete Command Idle State (OCIS) and sets the
OPC bit (bit 0) of the Standard Event Status Register to TRUE (1). This information can be
confirmed with the OPC bit (bit 0) of the *ESR? query.
The following example starts the output on/off delay action and sends the *OPC command.
When the measurement is completed, an SRQ (Service Request) is generated, as the
Standard Event Status Enable Register and the Service Request Enable Register are
unmasked so that an SRQ is signaled when the delay action completes.
*ESE 1;*SRE 32;*CLS;:INITiate:SEQuence2;*TRG;
Using the *OPC? query command instead of the *OPC command makes the PAT-T go to
Operation Complete Query Active State (OQAS). When the measurement is completed and
there is no other operation pending, the PAT-T returns to Operation Complete Query Idle
State (OQIS) and sets a response data "1" (in NR1 format ) in the output queue.
At power-on or when the IEEE488 sdc/dcl or *RST command is received, the PAT-T is in the
OCIS and OQIS state.
When using the RS232C interface, the SRQ function cannot be used. However, the MSS bit of the
*STB query can be used in the same manner as the SRQ function.
PAT-T series Communication Interface Manual