The connection of the gas cooker must exclusively
be carried out by an approved gas fitter. This must
happen under adherence to DVGW/ÖVGW
regulations, technical rules, guidelines of federal
building regulations, guidelines and regulations of
gas supply boards as well as to the following
DVGW, worksheet G600 (DVGW-TRG, 1986)
Technical rules for gas installation
TRF 1988 - Technical rules for LPG
Prior to installation one must check whether the
indications on the typeplate are in conformity with
the local gas conditions.
The gas connection must be accessible and provided
with a shutoff device.
Prior to any action stop the feed of gas to the cooker
The minimum distance between gas cooker and
cooker hood must correspond to the instructions
given by the manufacturer of the hood.
Prior to the opening or exposure of live parts the gas
cooker must be made dead! Remove fuses or activate
the earthing-pin plug.
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
The gas cooker is tested and registered acc. to
German Standard DIN-DVGW.
The gas cooker is supplied with the sealed gas
setting to natural gas, towns gas, or LPG and
accordingly marked with a label.
All gas burners are thermoelectrically secured in a
way that the feed of gas will automatically be shut off
when the flame goes out.
The indications are given on the typeplate of the
cooker. The typeplate is visible after door opening.
The load and the throughput of gas of the individual
burners are to be seen in chart I.
A replacement of jets is required for the conversion
to a different type of gas. The indications are given in
chart II to VII.
With conversion to a different type of gas, with
repairs, or with a damaged sealing (only with natural
gas E 15), the functional parts must be checked acc.
to installation instructions and sealed again.
Functional parts are: high-burner jet, low-burner jet
and for the oven in addition the primary air focusing
FO 0994