Recipe data as well as hints on the preparation for
boiling, baking and roasting are furthermore to be taken
from cooking and recipe literature as available from
specialist dealers.
Up to 6 preserving jars of 1 to 1.5 l capacity can be
prepared in the oven.
As usual prepare the items to be preserved and the
Exclusively make use of commercial jars with heat-
resistant rubber rings. Glasses with screw cap or
bayonet catch and metal boxes must not be used.
Insert the drip pan into the first shelf level from the
bottom. Put the prepared jars in the drip pan. The
glasses must not touch each other and should be
filled to possibly the same height and with the same
contents and be clamped together. Fill the drip pan
to the half with hot water. Set the temperature control
knob to position 2 or 3.
Watch the items to be preserved until the liquid in the
glasses will start to pearl (after about 40 - 50 min with
1 l-glasses, after about 60 min with 1
In case of fruits and pickled gherkins then switch off
the oven, but have the glasses stand in the closed
oven for about 30 more minutes (about 15 more
minutes with delicate fruits, such as strawberries,
about 15-40 more minutes with stone and core fruits)
In case of vegetable or meat resp. and after reaching
the state of pearling, accordingly set back the tempe-
rature and have the jars remain in the closed oven for
about 30 more minutes.
Then remove the jars at once. Do avoid a slow
cooling down in the oven, as this would support
another new formation of germs.
Put the jars on an absorbent cloth, cover them and
protect against draught.
Game is rich of valuable proteins, low-fat and easy to
digest. It stands for high contents of flavoring agents
which are providing the meat with the characteristic
nourishing flavour. Game must be well hung. Deep-
frozen pieces of roasts are to be defrosted before
Carefully remove the skin from the meat and the tendons.
Remove the fat as it gives off an unpleasant taste. In
particular with roasts of
venison and wild boar. Quickly wash the meat, or wipe
off with a wet cloth, and dry. Only short before roasting
rub salt and spices into the meat. Coat the meat with
slices of bacon or lard.
The meat becomes more tender as a result of laying it
2-3 days before the preparation in a pickle or marinade.
Game is at best to be roasted in a closed vessel in order
to keep it most juicy. When roasting in the drip pan rinse
same at first with water and, if need be, lay out with
stripes of bacon. Loosely
cover the prepared roast with an aluminium foil and fix
it on the rim.
Too high temperatures are unfavourable as the meat
will dry out easily.
Poultry is of high value for nutrition and taste. Preparation
is possible in a fresh or defrosted state. Carefully clean
the poultry, have it drip off and swob dry. Then salt inside
and season. Poultry can also be stuffed just as you like.
Poultry can be prepared in a big roasting vessel, on the
wire shelf, or direct in the drip pan. Have fat roasts cook
on the wire shelf in order to enable the fat to drip off. At
first pour about ˚ l of hot water into the drip pan. At the
end of the roasting time pour a little cold brine over the
roast at highest tempera
ture setting in order to obtain an especially crispy