If need be, preheat the oven acc. to the instructions in
the baking/roasting chart.
Cakes on the baking sheet or in the drip pan are
baked on the middle shelf level, only. With that
always insert only one baking sheet.
Put cakes in a baking tin always on the wire shelf.
With that the baking tin should not protrude over the
rear rim of the wire shelf. Several baking tins can also
be put on the wire shelf. Dark tins are not
recommended; they absorb too much of the heat
radiated by the oven. Recommended are bright tins.
Prepare baked goods acc. to recipes. The temperatu-
re setting values, the shelf level as well as the
corresponding baking times required for the items to
be baked are to be taken from the baking chart.
Same refers to preheating requirements.
On principle the shorter duration of baking should
always be referred to. A cake baking too quickly from
top will not rise or collapse because of not enough
baking out of humidity.
Before switching off the oven stick a small wooden
rod into the baked goods. When pulling out again it
has to be dry and free from adhering traces of dough.
With some dough remaining on the rod switch off the
oven and make use of the residual heat for about 5
After the baking have the cake stand in the tin for 5 to
10 minutes. Afterwards loosen from the tin or from
the sheet and have it cool down on a cake grid.
Before making the first cut the items baked must be
quite cold.
An economical preparation is recommended only with
at least 1 kg of meat. Smaller roasts should then be
prepared on the open burner.
The meat must be well hung. Remove tendons, wash
and dry. Bones should be removed from roasts
before. This will reduce the roasting time and the
roast can better be carved. Only short before the
insertion of the roast salt and season, or brush it
about 10 minutes before the end of roasting time with
a pickle of water or oil, salt, paprica, pepper, etc.
Depending on the sort of meat the roast can be
prepared on the wire shelf, in the open (drip pan) or
closed vessel.
The prepared meat is placed on the wire shelf with
the „serving side“ or the fat side resp. to the top; the
crackling cut in squares. Lean meat is brushed with
oil or coated with slices of bacon.
The drip pan and the wire shelf with the meat are
together inserted into the oven.
Roast Core temp. at the
end of cooking in
Beef filet
45 - 55
Beef filet
55 - 65
Beef filet
65 - 75
Beef roast
80 - 90
The lower core
temperature is
Pork roast
80 - 90
mainly chosen for
firm, juicy meat.
70 - 80
The higher core
temperature is
Roast veal
70 - 90
used for well-
cooked, dry meat
Roast lamb
70 - 85
and for roasts to
be well-cooked to
Roast venison
70 - 85
the inside.
Meat loaf
80 - 90
Turning over of the roast is only necessary when
roasting at higher temperatures.
The gravy ingredients for the perfection of taste -
such as chopped garlic, omions, roots, mush-rooms
or tomatoes, with lean meat also bacon and other fat
- are added into the drip pan with short roasting time
just in the beginning, and with longer roasting time
about during the last hour. Hot water (
to 1 liter) is
added acc. to the desired degree of browning of the
roast and of the gravy ingredients. An earlier addition
of water will delay the effect of browning and the
gravy becomes too bright.
The temperature setting values required for the
individual roast are to be taken from the roasting
The roasting time is dependent on the size of the
meat. Considered in general are 12 - 15 min of
roasting time per centimeter height of meat.
By „spoon pressure“ you may check the state of
cooking of the roast; a well-done roast will resist to
the spoon pressure.
The meat juice of quite well-done meat is gray.
By measuring the core temperature inside the roast
by meanns of a commercial meat probe one may find
out when the meat roast will be ready. Dependent on
the sort of meat the core temperature can be taken
from the following chart.