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(2) Memory switch data list
Level 1
Memory swtch data (level 1) are the moton data that the sewng machne has n common and the data
that operate on all sewng patterns n common.
. . . Item that is not displayed due to other setting state.
Setting range
Edit unit
Initial value
Change-over of the position of clamp foot after sewing end
Position of clamp foot after sewing end is selected from Stop at front
end/Return to medum/Clamp return/Stop at rear end.
- - -
Stop at front end
Return to medum
Clamp return
Stop at rear end
Front end motion start waiting time
Waiting time up to the start of front end motion of clamp foot is set.
It is possible to set only when
is set to the stop at front end.
0.50 to
0.01 sec.
3.00 sec.
Number of times of feeding of automatic interlining supplying at
sewing start
Number of times of feeding of automatic interlining supplying device at
sewng start s set.
It is possible to set only when
automatc nterlnng
supplyng opton s used.
2 to 9
Feeding length of automatic interlining supplying at sewing end
Feeding length of automatic interlining supplying device at sewing end
s set.
It is possible to set only when
automatc nterlnng supplyng
devce s used.
0 to 99.9
Thread trimming timing
Thread trimming timing after sewing is selected from Standard/
Medium/Longest and length of thread at sewing end is adjusted.
- - -
Standard 0
Medum 1
Longest 2
Ready-made zipper device is mounted and the setting is set
to standard value "0", needle thread may not be cut.
Stacker timer 2
Waiting time from the start of clamp motion to hold material on the
stacker base to release the materal presser s set.
It is possible to set only when
clamp bar stacker opton s
0.00 to
0.01 sec.
0.70 sec.