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Depress back the pedal at the time of mounting the breast
box device.
At the time of mounting
the breast box devce, when
depressng back the pedal n the green sewng screen (screen B),
the confirmation screen as shown on the left side is displayed.
When the clamp foot moves to the back by depressing back the
pedal, it retreats with the flap presser closed. This screen is to
confirm whether material is put on the clamp foot.
Confirming message saying that "Clamp foot moves to the back
with flap presser closed. Remove material on the clamp foot" is
When there is material on the clamp foot, be sure to press
CANCEL button
and remove the material.
Then depress back the pedal again to move the clamp foot to
the back.
When canceling clamp foot back, press CANCEL button
, and the flap presser is opened. Then the clamp foot does
not move to the back. At the same time, the confirming screen is
released and the screen returns to the sewng screen.
When there is no material on the clamp foot, press CLAMP FOOT
BACK button
and the clamp foot moves to the back with
the flap presser closed. At the same time, the confirming screen is
released and the screen returns to the sewng screen.