10.8 Digital Input Group
DI Status
This parameter shows the DI1 ~ DI16 status by hexadecimal numerical data. Converting this data
to be binary format, status of DI1 ~ DI16 will be presented from LSB to MSB of the data.
For example:
if Pr.011=0
Converting to binary is “0000 0000 0000 0000”. The DI1 ~ DI16 are OFF.
If Pr.011=5
Converting to binary is “0000 0000 0000 0101”. The DI1 and DI3 are ON,and
others are OFF.
DI-x Simulation Inputs
This parameter can be set to a decimal value, and then start the drive The DI startup / shutdown
If = 0
Converted to binary is
0000 0000 0000 0000;
Expanded bit by the binary state, you can perform communication:
All of the DI terminal status = OFF
If = 5
Converted to binary is
0000 0000 0000 0101
Expanded by the binary bit status, communication execution: DI1 and DI3 state is ON,
the remaining terminals are OFF
DI-1 function Select
DI-2 function Select
DI-3 function Select
DI-4 function Select
DI-5 function Select
DI-6 function Select
DI-7 function Select
DI-8 function Select
This parameter group to set the status of the terminal options, if the state of the terminal is
activated, the drive will perform the functions of the action
The eight belonging 24V-OpenCollector generally optically coupled isolated digital input,
scan execution time is 400us
Related options, refer to Chapter 11: Digital input terminal function selection
DI-9 function Select
DI-10 function Select
This parameter defaults to two: a special mode of the CUT (DI9) / MARK (DI10), (general standard
mode, do not use)
The two belong to 5V-OpenCollector fast optical coupler isolated digital input, scan
execution time is 100us
DI-11 function Select (FDIX)
DI-12 function Select (FDIY)
This parameter defaults to two: a special mode of the XY tracking input X / Y, (general standard
mode, do not use)
The two belong to 5V-OpenCollector fast optical coupler isolated digital input, scan
execution time is 100us