If a
Flow Verify
alarm is active and
is selected, the output to the pump will be turned off after the specified
Reprime Time and only operator actions can restore normal control operations. In most cases, action will be taken
to manually reprime the pump, refill the chemical tank, etc. and the output will be put into Hand mode to confirm
proper operation of the pump. When the Feed Monitor registers sufficient pulses, the Flow Verify alarm will clear
and the pump output can be put back into Auto Mode.
If both
Total Alarm
Flow Verify
alarms are active simultaneously, an Interlock selection for either mode setting
will take precedence for pump control. Automatic output control will continue despite the alarm conditions only if
Maintain is selected for both mode settings.
Interlocking or Activating any Control Output with a Feed Monitor Input
Digital Input channels are available for selection as Interlock Channels or Activate With Channels by any output. If
a Feed Monitor is selected in this manner, the Digital Input will trigger that action if any alarm (Flow Verify, Total
Alarm, or Range Alarm) is currently active.
Input Details
The details for this type of input include the current flow rate of chemical feed, the total volume fed since the last
reset, alarms, the status of the output linked to the input, the date and time of the last total reset, and the current
type of input setting.
Touch the Settings icon to view or change the settings related to the sensor.
Totalizer Alarm
A high limit on the total accumulated volume of chemical fed may be set, to trigger a
Total Alarm.
Reset Flow Total
Enter this menu to reset the accumulated flow total to 0. Touch Confirm to accept, Cancel
to leave the total at the previous value and go back.
Set Flow Total
This menu is used to set the total accumulated volume stored in the controller to match
a specified volume.
Scheduled Reset
Choose to automatically reset the flow total, and if so, Daily, Monthly or Annually
Total Alarm Mode
Choose to Interlock or Maintain the control of the linked pump while the Total Alarm is
Flow Alarm Mode
Choose to Interlock or Maintain the control of the linked pump while a Flow Verify
alarm is active. Choose Disable to monitor flow rate and accumulate total without any
flow alarms.
Flow Alarm Delay
Time (MM:SS) that will trigger a Flow Verify alarm if the output is activated and no
pulses are registered.
Flow Alarm Clear
Enter the number of contacts that must be registered to clear a Flow Verify alarm.
Dead band
Enter the percent output above which the pump is considered On for monitoring of
Flow Verify alarms. This setting is only available if the linked Output is a solid state
(pulsing) relay or analog (4-20 mA) output.
Reprime Time
Time (MM:SS) that the output should be energized for the reprime event.
Enter the volume, in ml, of chemical delivered for each pulse of the feed monitoring
Flow Units
Select the units of measure for the accumulated feed total.
Rate Units
Select the units of measure for the feed flow rate time base.
Smoothing Factor
Increase the smoothing factor percentage to dampen the response to changes in the
flowrate. For example, with a 10% smoothing factor, the next reading shown will con
sist of an average of 10% of the previous value and 90% of the current value.
Select the relay or analog (4-20 mA) output channel controlling the pump which will
be monitored by this feed monitor input.