Il presente manuale è di proprietà di
ogni riproduzione, anche parziale, è vietata.
LEO Instructions
- Revision:
1 - 11
General instructions and warnings
Set-up by the customer
Without prejudice to other contractual agreements, the customer is normally responsible for:
- preparing the premises (including masonry work such as any required foundations and
ducting, etc.);
- non-slip, level flooring without roughness;
- installation of any safety devices upstream and downstream of the energy supply lines
(such as circuit breakers, earthing systems, safety valves, etc.) provided for by the
legislation in force in the country of installation;
- earth system compliant with
Standard IEC 64-8
- adequate lighting compliant with
Standard EN 60204-1
The machine is not equipped with a standard lighting system.
The ambient level of lighting must always be such to avoid
shadow cones and ensure operation in the highest possible
safety in relation
to the type of use to which it is intended.
In the event of maintenance operations located in insufficiently
lit parts,
it is compulsory to obtain portable lighting systems
taking care to avoid shadows that prevent or reduce visibility
where people are operating and the surrounding areas.