Il presente manuale è di proprietà di
ogni riproduzione, anche parziale, è vietata.
LEO Instructions
- Revision:
1 - 08
General instructions and warnings
Safety recommendations
9 - Commissioning
Commissioning denotes the activity of functional checking of the installed machine.
10 - Manual mode
Manual mode is the operating mode wherein, in response to a manual command
imparted by the operator, the machine performs movements at controlled speed in the
protected space in response to a manual command, with safety guards in their closed
position and starting from the pushbutton panel.
11 - Automatic mode
Automatic mode is the operating mode wherein the machine independently executes the
programmed cycle at working speed in the protected space, with safety guards in their
closed position and starting from the main pushbutton panel.
12 - Machine management
Machine management is the set of operations that the person in charge must carry out to
allow proper execution of the work process.
13 - Decommissioning
Decommissioning is the mechanical and electrical removal of the machine from the
production environment.
14 - Dismantling
Dismantling refers to the scrapping and disposal of the machine component parts.
15 - Maintenance and repair
A maintenance and repair operation is the periodic activity of checking and/or replacing
parts or components of the machine and the operations performed to identify the cause
of a breakdown, which is concluded by restoring the machine to its design functional
16 - Misuse
All uses of the machine outside the limits specified in the technical documentation are
deemed to be improper uses.