– operating instruction
page - 18
RS232 (PC)
– programming interface
Communication between iMC-M / iMC and control PC is realized via a serial interface
(RS232). Use the delivered communication (null modem) cable for connection.
A software protocol realizes the faultless transmission of the ASCII characters.
Therefore it’s necessary that both systems respect the communication protocol:
The connected control PC sends a command which ends with a line end
character [CR, char (13)].
The processor unit quits the execution or storing of a command with the
quitting signal 0[char (48)] or returns an occurred error with an ASCII character
unequal 0.
Data transfer parameters:
- 19200 baud
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- no parity
- net input module 100 - 230 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz
The net input module consists of net input socket, net filter, fuse holder and net main
switch. Connect the controller via delivered net cable to a free receptacle. After that
you can switch on the controller with the net main switch.