– operating instruction
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4.2.1 Using inverter-case FCC-750
The FCC 750 is used for dilating the iMC-S8 controller to a frequency converter for
three-phase induction motors.
The module is used with isel milling spindles Typs iSA500 (Art.-Nr. 477004 3130) and
iSA750 (Art.-Nr.477008 3124).
Connecting the FCC 750
1.) Turn off and disconnect the iMC-S8 controller from electrical power supply
2.) Connect the iMC-S8 controller and the FCC 750 with an additional protective
conductor of 2.5 mm
(protected installation) or 4mm
installation) on the marked points
3.) Connect the FCC 750 with the related socket´s of the iMC-S8
4.) Connect the spindle motor (iSA500/iSA750) to FCC750
5.) Start-up the iMC-S8
It is not allowed to use FCC -750 without controller iMC-S8!