User’s manual rev.0.0 (Preliminary)
MU-C656.xxxxxxxxxx r.0.0-EN
11 of 68
1.7 Copyright
This document may contain references to or information concerning products back
covered by copyright or patent.
No right concerning these products is however conceded through this manual.
All trademarks showed in this manual are the property of their respective holders.
All the rights of this document are reserved.
1.8 Software license agreement for end user
The Panel PC contains intellectual property, i.e. software programs, which are
supplied under license to be used by the End User, who is any Panel PC owner or
The Panel PC could contains parts of programs distributed under license by
Microsoft Corporation and other brands including software, which belongs to I.P.S.
Sistemi Programmabili.
The transfer of the Panel PC does not constitute a sale of this intellectual
property. The End User must not copy, disassemble or decompile the
software programs.
The programs are supplied to the End User as they are, with no guarantee of any
sort, either implicit or explicit, including but not limiting the guarantees of
adaptability to a particular task.
The End User is entirely responsible for the program quality and performance.
I.P.S. Sistemi Programmabili and its suppliers are not responsible for damage
suffered by the End User (including, but not limited to this, that for loss of
commercial profits, and interruption of activity and similar) which derive from the
supply, use or performance of the software programs.
These provisions are subject to Italian law. If one or more provisions are in
contrast with the laws in force they should be considered not valid, the remainder
however remaining completely valid and operative.
No modification to these provisions is valid unless released in writing by an
authorized representative of I.P.S. Sistemi Programmabili srl.