User’s Manual
OTP Memory Operation
C513AO-2E Only
Program/Read OTP Memory Bytes
The Program/Read OTP Memory Byte Access Mode is defined by PMSEL1,0 = 1,1. It is initiated
when the PMSEL1,0 = 1,1 is valid at the rising edge of PALE. With the falling edge of PALE, the
upper addresses A8-A13 of the 14-bit OTP memory address are latched. After A8-A13 has been
latched, A0-A7 is put on the address bus (Port 2). A0-A7 must be stable when PROG is low or PRD
is low. If subsequent OTP address locations are accessed with constant address information at the
high address lines A8-13, A8-A13 must be latched only once (page address mechanism).
Figure 10-6 shows a typical OTP memory programming cycle followed by an OTP memory read
operation. In this example, A0-A13 of the read operation are identical to A8-A13 of the proceeding
programming operation.
Figure 10-6
Programming/Verify OTP Memory Access Waveform
If the address lines A8-A13 must be updated, PALE must be activated for the latching of the new
A8-A13 value. Control, address, and data information must be switched only when the PROG and
PRD signals are at high level. The PALE high pulse must always be executed if a different Access
Mode has been used prior to the current Access Mode.
For multiple OTP memory read operations, PALE must be activated only for latching a new A8-A13
address value. Control and address information must be switched only when the PRD or PROG
signals are at high level.
D0 - D7
min. 100 s
D0 - D7
Port 2
Port 0
100 ns