SmartPLC SafeLine AC4S with fieldbus interfaces
Device type:
AS-i slave (input)
Symbol in CODESYS:
Logical device for a safe sensor with 2 interdependently acting contacts/channels
SF_IN_dependent_filter_w_testreq detects the switching states of the two contacts/channels of the
AS-i slave (ASi_SlaveAdr, ASi_Master). The logical device forms the logical AND connector from the
two values and provides the result as safe control signal. The following additional conditions apply for
the logical signal evaluation:
The contacts/channels are debounced during switch-on: Signal changes that are applied shorter
than the set stabilisation time do not lead to a change in state. (StabilisingTime).
Simultaneity of the signal change of the two contacts/channels is monitored during switch-on: If
the signal states are not equal for a longer time than the set synchronisation time, both
contacts/channels have to take the value FALSE simultaneously before switch-on is possible
again. (SynchTime)
Before the two contacts/channels are switched on again, they have to be FALSE simultaneously.
If after the start the two contacts/channels do not take a valid signal state within a firmly set time,
the logical device changes to the locked error state. (InvalidTime = const. = 140 ms)
If during switching both signals are longer invalid than the set stabilisation time, the logical device
changes to the locked error state. (StabilisingTime)
The programmer can activate the following functions as option:
Both signal channels must take the state FALSE simultaneously before the logical device can start
with the signal evaluation.
Only error events are transmitted to the online support centre (OSC) of the AC4S user interface.
To reset the logical device from the locked error state and to read diagnostic information of the
logical device: