SmartPLC SafeLine AC4S with fieldbus interfaces
Use EtherCAT master
Add EtherCAT master ............................................................................................................................43
Configure EtherCAT master ...................................................................................................................44
Add and configure EtherCAT slave ........................................................................................................45
The device can also be operated as EtherCAT master. In this respect ifm electronic provides an
EtherCAT master stack for the CODESYS programming system 3.5. The user has to assign one of the
two Ethernet configuration interfaces (X3 or X8) to the EtherCAT master.
Add EtherCAT master
Only one EtherCAT master can be used per device.
To add the EtherCAT master stack to the project:
Open or create project with AC4S.
1 Add EtherCAT master stack
In the device tree: Right-click on [<CODESYS _Root>]
In the context menu: select [Add device...]
Window [Add Device] appears.
Set the following values:
1. [Vendor]: Select [ifm electronic].
2. In table: Select [EtherCAT Master].
Click on [Add Device] to add the selected device to the project.
Click on [Close] to close the window.
CODESYS adds EtherCAT master to the device tree.
CODESYS automatically adds an EtherCAT master call to the task with the shortest cycle
For notes on the configuration of task processing:
Configure task processing