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Larger Children
Children who are too large for child restraint
systems should always occupy the rear seat and
use the available lap/shoulder belts. The lap
portion should be fastened snug on the hips and
as low as possible. Check belt fit periodically. A
child's squirming could put the belt out of posi-
tion. Children are afforded the most safety in the
event of an accident when they are restrained by
a proper restraint system in the rear seat. If a
larger child (over age 13) must be seated in the
front seat, the child should be securely restrained
by the available lap/shoulder belt and the seat
should be placed in the rearmost position. Chil-
dren under the age of 13 should be restrained
securely in the rear seat. NEVER place a child
under the age of 13 in the front seat. NEVER
place a rear facing child seat in the front seat of
a vehicle.
Pregnant Women
The use of a seat belt is recommended for
pregnant women to lessen the chance of injury in
an accident. When a seat belt is used, the lap belt
portion should be placed as low and snugly as
possible on the hips, not across the abdomen.
For specific recommendations, consult a physi-
The purpose of the fold-down rear seatbacks
is to allow you to carry longer objects than
could otherwise be accommodated. Never
allow passengers to sit on top of the folded
down seat back while the car is moving as
this is not a proper seating position and no
seat belts are available for use. This could
result in injury in case of an accident or
sudden stop. Objects carried on the folded
down seatback should not extend higher than
the top of the front seats. This could allow
cargo to slide forward and cause injury or
damage during sudden stops.
All occupants of the vehicle should wear their
seat belts at all times. Indeed, your province's
laws may require that some or all occupants of
the vehicle use seat belts.
The possibility of injury or the severity of injury in
an accident will be decreased if this elementary
safety precaution is observed. In addition, the
following recommendations are made:
Infant or Small Child
Some countries require the use of child restraint
systems for infants and small children. Whether
this is required by law or not, it is strongly
recommended that a child restraint seat or infant
restraint system be used for infants or small
children weighing less than 18 kilograms (40
For the safety of all passengers, luggage or other
cargo should not be piled higher than the top of
the seatback. In addition, do not place objects on
the rear shelf as they may move forward during
braking or in an accident and strike vehicle