Installation and Maintenance Manual
Maintenance Schedule
Slide Gate Operator Maintenance Schedule
Name of part
What to do
Check at these recommended monthly intervals
Gate and Hardware
Check for damage and wear
Drive wheels
Check for excessive wear
Wheel clamp spring
Check for clamping tension
Limit Switches
Check for adjustment
Anchor bolts
Check for tightness
Fluid level
Check for loss of fluid
Hydraulic fluid
Drain and replace fluid
Clock Battery
Special Notes:
*1 Your gate and it’s hardware will require more maintenance than the Hy-Security operator that is
moving the gate. A damaged gate or worn hardware may cause operation to appear slow or erratic
and will result in excess drive wheel wear. Lubricate the gate hardware more frequently and check
for smooth operation by opening the toggle clamping mechanism and then pushing the gate manu-
ally. One person should easily be able to push all but the largest of gates. Damaged or warped gate
panels should be straightened or replaced.
*2 Normally, the drive wheels will last for many years because they are designed to not slip on the
rail. The life of the wheels may be greatly shortened by any of these faults: clamping spring not
correctly adjusted, operator misaligned in relation to gate panel, badly warped gate panel or ex-
tremely stiff hardware.
*3 Verify that the red clamping spring is compressed tightly, so that the drive wheels apply a strong
grip on the power rail. The red spring should normally be compressed to 2" in height.
*4 The limit switch rollers should ride 1/4" to 1/2" below the drive rail, near the center of the channel.
Misadjustment may result in false or early tripping or no limit function at the end of travel. Verify that
the limit trip ramps are tightly bolted to the drive rail.
*5 The oil level should remain approximately one inch below the filler hole. See maintenance in-
structions for oil filling. Loss of fluid is not normal and indicates a leak that must be located and
repaired. The cap for the filler hole is a breather and needs only to be finger tight. Use
“Uniflow” fluid, part H 004 1.0, if additional fluid is required.
*6 Replace battery with DL 2025 / DL 2032 or CR 2025 / CR2032.