Configuration manual
10. Relays that do not change their switching state for longer than 1 year due
to the application must be inspected once annually as part of maintenance
8 Troubleshooting
While the USL is being switched on and while it is running, a wide range of diagnostic measures
check the function and operating conditions of the overall USL. If there is a deviation, the error
state (safe state) is initiated, and the error is saved in the
error memory. Errors are differentiated into “internal” and
“external” errors.
External errors
are caused by external influences, such as exceeding the maximum permitted
speed or exceeding the maximum permitted temperature. Errors are displayed in the
configuration software with a brief description of the error, as shown in sec. 8.2.
External errors are reset via a Reset (reset process or reset knob in the US42Pro software) or
by interrupting the supply voltage (> 2s).
Internal errors
are triggered, for instance, by deviations in the internal device program
sequence. The errors are displayed in the configuration software with error numbers and the
designation internal error. The causes of the errors can only be analysed by individuals with
appropriate expertise. The user must send the contents of the error memory to the manufacturer
for this purpose (see section:
Internal errors can only be reset via the Reset button in the US42Pro software (for default
setting see section 6.7). The process for resetting internal errors can be set with the US42Pro
software so that it corresponds to resetting for
external errors
Resetting an error will trigger a system restart and complete system test. If an error is found
once again, the module will remain in an error state. The error state can be assigned to a
switching output using the configuration software.
The option “Error reset via the reset input or interrupting the power supply” may
only be used if a risk analysis has indicated that the application is suitable for
this purpose.
error in the basic device
is always reset when the power is interrupted. If there is still an
error when it is switched back on, the basic device will remain in an error state.
Fig. 8-2: Error reset
Fig. 8-1: Error message