Configuration manual
4.3.5 Input precision for switching points
The input precision for speed switching points will depend on the speed range, and is limited to
4 decimal places. The entry is limited to 2 positions after the decimal point.
Switching speed n
Input precision
X: Positions before the
Y: Positions after the
n < 100 1/min XX.YY (e.g.: 15.87)
100 >= n < 1000 1/min
XXX.Y (e.g.: 158.7)
n >= 1000 1/min
XXXX (e.g.: 1587)
4.4 Error output
Required modules
USL(H) 42 Basic Device
UO-SCU Module
Please see the specific module operating and assembly manuals for further
important information.
When there are no errors, both channels of the error output have a high level and transmit test
pulses. The UO-SCU module monitors the outputs to ensure they are functioning correctly.
The receiver must hide the test pulses in order to avoid unintentional switching processes.
The following settings can be selected for the
test pulse duration ti:
100 ms, 10 ms, 1 ms, off (for default settings
see section 6.7).
10, 100, 1000 can be selected for the
quotients test pulse spacing / test pulse
duration (T / ti) (for default settings, see
section 6.7).
The test pulse offset (offset of the test pulse between the channels) tc = 3 * ti cannot be
The test pulses can be deactivated for non-safety related applications, or when
using a safe error switch in safety-related applications (see section 4.5).
An error is displayed with a low level on the error output (see also section 8).
If the error output is used to detect a device error, it must be evaluated in a safe
manner (see section 9).
Fig. 4-8: Test pulses